Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finding Simple Answers!

" Hindu" says Stephen Hawking in his new book "Grand Design" reveals God is not a factor in creation which is  a departure from his earlier observation in "Brief History of Time" which I have read.
Now he says it is not necessary to invoke God for setting the universe going.

Bishops all around the world have contradicted. It is a beleif (rather convinient beleif!) Archibishop of Canterbury says to have a intelligent living agent for designing the universe.

Centuries old debate has come to full circle after the physicist"s recent observation.But it all started with Charles Darwin.Chromosomes and mapping of genomes came much later.The great genius unfolded the mystery of how and why we exist. The fact that we are 99.5% of chimpanzee really really startled all of us.

Scientific and intellectual quests were unrelently made for pursuit of truth. But same intelligence and philosophy were used fro making intrepretations to age old supersitions  to pastoral and agricultural masses
who were quoted selectively and always out of context.

But the scientific inquiry did not cease.
Philosophers started asking very difficult questions.From Russell to Scot Adams. Very Many.
Russell for instance said that those who are earnest enough to think that sin is disobedience to god
are compelled to accept that God is not omnipotent. Had he been omnipotent nothing contrary to his will will occur.If god causes men and women to sin they cannot help it. And God has no right to send them to hell.

Living cell has been artificially made now and the tampering with heredity started long back from plants .

God is of course is a simple answer to many complicated questions. Why i came into this world/ Where shall I go? How i have to live and many.
But unfortunately a simple answer is not a right answer.
Secondly cling on to what i beleive is not awareness. awareness is accepting and unlearning.
Finally nothing is more dangerous than mad faith!

1 comment:

  1. All is possible to him who believes.
    Dear uncle,
    The concept of God is to the one who does not believe, God is who he is to the one who does. I had few of my own doubts few years back. If there are so many scripts and writers now who could think and create such beautiful fictional masterpieces, why wouldn't have someone been able to do that then? The BIBLE could have been the wondrous creation of a marvellous author. It was then i realized that, that marvellous one was GOD. It was not just something out of fiction. Why did the bible have statistical data? No one gives statistical data unless they want to prove something. These were the terms by which i was thinking. Then one day there was a change in me. I felt the difference and it was good. I still haven't found out word to explain how it feels but one word might just hit that place. " Faith ". It is that one word that brings us all together as one. I'm sitting in Pondicherry and tapping the keys on my laptop believing that someone somewhere has made this contraption fine in a way that i can use it without hurting myself. When i can believe in that, why is there such a problem believing that God exists. We spoke about God's Will of life. It never said that the will will decide our movements. God has his ways just like the ones we have. For Example : We Have plans for a building. We start the construction work. Suddenly we have a new idea. We change it. Then we use one colour of paint. It doesn't seem right. We strip it off and put on something else. There you go. When a small will that we create does not have fixed ways, God created us in his own image. Why do we think that the WILL has such criteria. The Will might have set for ur end. It is the path that we choose to reach there that pays the price.
    Thank you uncle for your thoughts.

